Thursday, December 16, 2010

Tyngsboro Middle School

On December 16th I went to the Tyngsboro Middle School and met over a thousand K through 5th graders who made Christmas cards for our Veterans at the Bedford, MA VA hospital. Also in attendance were Jane Marshall, Mrs. Massachusetts International, Jennifer Hardy, Classic Ms. Massachusetts, Kevin Lemenowicz the weather man for Fox 25 news, The Celtic Dancers, Hockey players from the UMass Lowell, and several other local celebrities. After our introductions we had the opportunity to meet the students personally and sign autographs. It was so wonderful to see their excited faces and hear their thank yous for coming to see them.
Unfortunately I had to return to work and could not go to the VA Hospital to deliver the cards. This was a perfectly organized event for such a great cause, and I'm sure it was truely appreciated by all the Veterans. I'd like to say thank you to all the men and women who have served our country and have kept us safe. I hope that you all have a great holiday and happy New Year.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Christmas Tree Lighting

On December 5th 2010 Santa and I lit the Christmas Tree in the downtown area of Methuen, MA, my home town. Before the event there was hot chocolate and cookies that were handed out to all who attended. Carollers from Methuen's Center for Performing Arts entertained us with Christmas songs and we all danced around to keep warm. Once Santa arrived on the fire truck we lit the tree with Mayor Manzi and handed out candy canes to the children. Even though it was cold everyone seemed to really enjoy the festivities, especially yours truely. Santa himself did tell me that it was not as cold as the North Pole. And even though I had never been there I had to agree, for surely Santa would not lie about this. A special congratulations needs to go out to Jill Stacklin who organized the event, she did a fabulous job.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Bra Auction

On November 13th, 2010 I had the honor of attending the Bra Auction at the Billerica, MA library with my friend Mrs. Massachusetts International, Jane Marshall. This event helped to raise money for the Billerica, MA Relay for Life. The event was organized by some of the students from Billerica, who also designed and modeled the bras. It was a wonderful event and a lot of fun. The effort that these young men and women put forth to raise money for such a worthy cause was inspirational.