Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mrs. Massachusetts and Mrs. New Hampshire United States Pageant 2011

On April 9th, 2011 we crowned Courtney Nappa as Mrs. Massachusetts United States 2011 and Nikoll Lauze as Mrs. New Hampshire United States 2011 at the Amato Theater in Milford, NH. Irene Raissis Alton the states director put on a fabulous show. All the contestants looked beautiful. The opening number to Enrique Iglesia was a huge hit. The contestants all wore red cocktail dresses, that really looked sharp up on the stage.

I performed a variation from "Stars and Stripes" en pointe. The number was choreographed by Vanessa Voter Shaheen the director of Methuen Ballet Ensemble.

I loved being able to spend the day with old friends and to make some new friends. I met the reigning Mrs. Connecticut United States, Kathleen M. Gneiting, Mrs. Connecticut United States 2008, Lynette Letsky Piombo, and Laurye Koseski Natale, Mrs. Vermont United States 2009. They were all wonderful ladies and I was honored to spend the day with them.

I wish both of our New England Queens all the best. Good Luck at Nationals!

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Farwell Address

Approximately one year ago the honor was bestowed upon me to represent the married women of Massachusetts. As I fulfilled my role, the experience of representing the married women led me to many avenues and the acquaintances of many people that will now and forever encompass my life. The 2010 Mrs. United States class are all remarkable women who I am proud to be a part of. Throughout the year I was able to educate people about the importance of their oral health to their overall health. Opportunities also arose for me to work with the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation and the American Cancer Society.

I would like to send out several recognitions. First to my amazing state director Irene Raissis Alton your advice, guidance, positive commentary, and enthusiasm was just what I needed at Nationals. Jane Marshall, Mrs. Massachusetts International 2011, thank you for sharing your year with me. I feel so lucky to have been able to attend so many appearances with you. To my family thank you for all of your encouraging words. James, my husband, you are an amazing person you will always be my rock and support in everything that I do. Vanessa and Ashley you have remained my biggest fans through this reign and I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I believe that my ballet training at Voter's School of Dance gave me the confidence and poise I needed to earn this opportunity. Finally to my mom, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. You have taught me to go after my goals and if I do I will always be successful. Thank you too for being my personal seamstress. Your expert hand at sewing provided me with the most perfectly fitted gown and well adorned bathing suit for Nationals. I love you and thank you again.

To Courtney Nappa, our new Mrs. Massachusetts United States!!!! Remember to always be true to yourself. Enjoy your reign and do everything you can while opportunity presents. This will be a time in you life you will treasure always. Congratulations and best wishes to you.