Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Mrs. Massachusetts and Mrs. New Hampshire United States Pageant 2011

On April 9th, 2011 we crowned Courtney Nappa as Mrs. Massachusetts United States 2011 and Nikoll Lauze as Mrs. New Hampshire United States 2011 at the Amato Theater in Milford, NH. Irene Raissis Alton the states director put on a fabulous show. All the contestants looked beautiful. The opening number to Enrique Iglesia was a huge hit. The contestants all wore red cocktail dresses, that really looked sharp up on the stage.

I performed a variation from "Stars and Stripes" en pointe. The number was choreographed by Vanessa Voter Shaheen the director of Methuen Ballet Ensemble.

I loved being able to spend the day with old friends and to make some new friends. I met the reigning Mrs. Connecticut United States, Kathleen M. Gneiting, Mrs. Connecticut United States 2008, Lynette Letsky Piombo, and Laurye Koseski Natale, Mrs. Vermont United States 2009. They were all wonderful ladies and I was honored to spend the day with them.

I wish both of our New England Queens all the best. Good Luck at Nationals!

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