Wednesday, August 10, 2011

25th Anniversary of Mrs. United States

On August 3rd and 4th I had the opportunity to attend the 25th Anniversary of the Mrs United States Pageant held at the Hilton Resort in Las Vegas. I was there to cheer on our New England States Massachusetts and New Hampshire, represented by Courtney Nappa and Nikol Lauze respectively. I also had the chance to meet up with some of the women I competed with last year, including our beautiful Mrs. United States Rachel Jullieret. It was a really fun two days.

One change this year was that each delegate wore a state costume. Everyone was so creative in their choices. They also invited all the former Mrs. United States back to perform a special number with Jay Joseph the host. I also really enjoyed the opening number that the contestants performed in their red dresses to Ricky Martin.
We also squeezed in some quality fun time with my husband and step-son, while in Vegas.

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