Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Eagle Tribune Article

In case you missed the article that the Eagle Tribune Newspaper ran on me Sunday July 18th the link is below.

Mrs. United States National Pageant 2010

Jennifer Korzeb and Rachel Juillerat
Mrs. Georgia, Mrs. Tennessee, Mrs. Mississippi, Mrs. Minesota, Mrs. N. Dakota

Jennifer Korzeb, Rachael Bohac

Lisa McCumber and Jennifer Korzeb

Irene Alton and Jennifer Korzeb

Jennifer Korzeb and Racheal Bohac

July 21st and 22nd I competed in the Mrs. United States National Pageant representing Massachusetts. The pageant was held in Las Vegas, Nevada at the Orleans Hotel and Casino. I flew into Las Vegas with my sister queen Rachael Bohac of New Hampshire, my husband James, and step-son James Jr. on July 18th. As it turned out Rachael was also my roommate for the time that we were in Las Vegas.
On Sunday our first day there we had an orientation and dinner giving us an opportunity to meet all of our sister queens and get to know one another. We also received our schedule outlining are very busy coming days. There were so many fabulous women there and I was honored to have met each and everyone of them.

The following days were composed mostly of rehearsals for our opening number, in which we all wore a red dress and performed, and our parade of gowns. Natalie Carson our choreographer was wonderful. I was very impressed at how she was able to put together a production number made up of 53 women with varying dance talents.
They did give us some fun time as well. On Monday night we all went out to the Luxor hotel and attended the musical "Menopause". After the show we met the very talented actresses and also Carrot Top who owns the theater that the show was at.
Tuesday we had our swim suit shoot starting at 6:00 AM. That's right six in the morning. Thank goodness they went by alphabetical order and I didn't have to head down until 7:30. The photographer Joseph Pier was great to work with. He really is one of the best photographers around. Tuesday night we had our interview with the judges. This was a great opportunity for us to let the judges meet us and get to know us a little better.
I'd like to give a special thank you to Lisa McCumber for doing my hair and makeup for the time that I was there. She really was paramount in making me so beautiful. Not only is she very talented, she is as nice as she is talented. It was a pleasure working with her. I also got to know the other three women that she worked with Mrs. Iowa Christine Davis Street, Mrs. West Virginia Kristi Atha-Rader, and Mrs. North Dakota Sarah Bazey, who came in third runner up. Congratulations Sarah you are beautiful inside and out.
Wednesday night was preliminaries in which we all competed in swim suit and evening gown. The following night was finals. The top twelve competitors were selected and competed in, on stage interview, swim suit, and evening gown. Although I didn't make it to top twelve I still feel a sense of personal accomplishment because I know I did my very best. Our new queen was crowned. Congratulations to Rachel Juillerat from Mississippi. I hope you have a great year!
Thank you to all the people who have supported me through this journey. It has been a great experience so far and I truly appreciated all the love and support you have given me. A special thank you to Vanessa and Ashley for coming to Las Vegas with me and cheering me on. You both are very special to me and I love you both. Thank you James, my husband, for loving me for who I am. Irene thank you for being the best director ever. I would not have been able to do this with out you.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Prep time for Nationals

With Nationals fast approaching its amazing everything that needs to be done. I leave in just 4 days for Las Vegas and I feel like I have a hundred things left to do. I have started packing but not everything is in the suitcase yet. Hopefully when that is complete I'll feel a little better. I just got back from the gym after my final session with my personal trainer. Thank you Melanie for helping to get my arms in the best shape I think they've ever been. I still haven't changed the buttons on my interview outfit, guess I'll be sewing at work tomorrow in between patients.
I'm sure my husband is tired of hearing me talk to myself as I prep for my interview, but this is the only way I can feel confident about what I'm saying is if I hear it out loud. Sorry honey, only a little bit longer of this and then we can all relax.
Thank goodness for my director, Irene Alton, she is the best. She spent two and a half hours with me on Saturday helping me to prep for the swim suit and evening gown portion of the competition. I feel so much better about this now that I know some of the tricks of the trade when it comes to walking and posing. I've been practicing everything that she has shown me at the dance studio. Well I best be off as I finish up a few more things before I get some rest.

Monday, July 5, 2010

My Fourth of July Celebrations

Methuen's Fireworks Display

Celebrating with my sisters Teresa and Kathy

My brother Tom and I

Maureen and I at the Chelmsford County Fair selling our Rubber Duckies

I have had the most eventful fourth of July. My festivities started at the Methuen fireworks display, on July 2nd. I greeted our residents and handout balloons to the children with our district state rep Linda Dean Cambell. Then I watched the fireworks with my husband and listened to the band they had playing. It was by far one of the best fireworks displays Methuen has ever put on.

Then on the fourth I went to my sister Teresa's Fourth of July party at her house in Hopkington, MA. It was great to see the rest of my family and spend some much needed time with them. Some of my brothers and sisters I haven't seen since winning my title and it was great to be able to show off my crown and banner, which was a huge hit with the kids.

Finally on the fifth I attended Chelmsford's County Fair and helped my friend Maureen to raise money for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer which she is participating in down in North Carolina. We had a rubber ducky adoption along with several raffles set up which were mostly donations from local restaurants. My friend Jane Marshall, Mrs Massachusetts International, rode in their parade atop a 2011 Ford Mustang. Also in attendance was Senator Scott Brown.
Now in this 100 degree weather, as my temperature gage is reading, I am relaxing in my pool with my husband and step son trying to keep cool.
Happy Independence Day America! I am proud to be a citizen of a free and Independent Nation.