Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Prep time for Nationals

With Nationals fast approaching its amazing everything that needs to be done. I leave in just 4 days for Las Vegas and I feel like I have a hundred things left to do. I have started packing but not everything is in the suitcase yet. Hopefully when that is complete I'll feel a little better. I just got back from the gym after my final session with my personal trainer. Thank you Melanie for helping to get my arms in the best shape I think they've ever been. I still haven't changed the buttons on my interview outfit, guess I'll be sewing at work tomorrow in between patients.
I'm sure my husband is tired of hearing me talk to myself as I prep for my interview, but this is the only way I can feel confident about what I'm saying is if I hear it out loud. Sorry honey, only a little bit longer of this and then we can all relax.
Thank goodness for my director, Irene Alton, she is the best. She spent two and a half hours with me on Saturday helping me to prep for the swim suit and evening gown portion of the competition. I feel so much better about this now that I know some of the tricks of the trade when it comes to walking and posing. I've been practicing everything that she has shown me at the dance studio. Well I best be off as I finish up a few more things before I get some rest.

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