Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oral Health Presentation at the Nesmith Library

Yesterday, March 21st, I had the best time speaking with a group of home schooled children, ranging in age from 5 to 10, at the Nesmith Library in Windham, NH. We started out with a little presentation about what oral health was, how to keep our teeth healthy, what a healthy diet was, and the different parts of the teeth. I have to admit I think some of this was a bit much for the 5 year olds to absorb however when I broke out the puppet they loved this. The puppet, who the children named Mr. Buggy, was a great teaching aid to show the children where to brush and how to brush. A lot of the children were surprised to find out that we should also brush our tongues. We then read some stories about going to the dentist and what to expect. Afterwards I answered questions for the children. I have to say my favorite question of the morning was: Are you the Queen of Massachusetts? To which I replied in a sense I am one of the Massachusetts Queens. All the children were wonderful, inquisitive, and very well behaved.

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