Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Read Along at the Library

On Monday, February 22nd I went to the Nevins Memorial Library in Methuen, MA to read to the children stories about going to the dentist and taking care of their teeth. The first story was about an alligator with a loose tooth. He went with his friends to see the dentist to make sure his teeth were ok, turns out his tooth was supposed to be loose because an adult tooth was taking its place. The second story was about a little boy who was afraid to see the dentist because his friend had scared him by showing him all of his fillings. The boy had brought along his play dinosaurs and after the dentist checked the dinosaurs teeth first he wasn't scared to have his checked. Once we were done reading we did an art project with decoupage. We took recycled plastic water bottled that were cut down and made toothbrush holders. The children took glue and placed all different colored tissue paper on the outside to decorate them, it was a fun time had by all!

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