Monday, June 14, 2010

Relay for Life Tyngsboro, MA

On June 12th and 13th I participated in the Relay for Life in Tyngsboro, MA. My team (Queen's for Relay) raised over $1040 for the American Cancer Society. Thank you Jane Marshall, Mrs. Massachusetts International, for asking me to be a part of this team. This was a truly memorable event.
I will not forget Jane and I trying to put our tent up in the rain. Unfortunately neither of us had ever put up a tent, but being two intelligent woman we figured how hard could it be. It's actually harder then it looks. We struggled for awhile, until these nice young men came over and helped us. Thank goodness or else we may still have been there putting it up.
The luminaria ceremony was especially touching as we remembered the people who had cancer. For me thinking about my dad and what he went through, and then what we were doing there, made me hopeful that no one else would have to suffer as he did.
I met a lot of wonderful people that day: Shauna Conwell, Miss ANTSO New Hampshire Miss, Maureen Polson , Lisamarie Forte, Dana Matthews, and Brianna Mccombs (my team mates), and Brooke Bibeault Miss Massachusetts teen USA who came out to support us. Thank you to all for what you have done to help support the American Cancer Society.

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