Wednesday, June 2, 2010

"Tooth Day" at Fenway Park

Yesterday I had the distinct pleasure of participating in Tooth Day at Fenway Park. Tooth Day was started by Dr. Heidi Aaronson. It is a day dedicated to educating the public about the dangers of chewing tobacco and to offer free oral cancer screenings to fans before the game. Tufts University School of Dental Medicine donated the toothbrushes, toothpaste, and handouts that were given to the fans.

It is important that everyone visit their dentist at least twice a year for their routine oral check up and oral cancer exam. Even if you are not at risk for oral cancer you can still fall victim to it. Using any kind of tobacco and alcohol puts you at a higher risk for oral cancer, which is why it is important especially for these people that they have routine oral exams.

Being a part of Tooth Day at Fenway Park was a truly wonderful experience. I met a lot of wonderful people and even had the chance to see some people I haven't seen in 5 years. It was a great honor to also be a part of the opening ceremony. This is a day I will always remember.

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