Sunday, May 23, 2010

Support to our local farmers

Yesterday I went to the Pleasant Valley Garden Center to show my support to our local farmers. I know its a small thing but I wish everyone would try to make the effort to by their plants and vegetables from their local farms. You don't get anymore organic then this. Our farmers need our support so they can continue to provide us with fresh, healthy, chemicl free fruits and veggies that are so much better for our families.
I met the owners of the garden center and they were just the nicest people. Every customer that entered was greated with a warm welcome and received the help that they needed. The staff was extremely knowledgable and could answer any question posed to them. I can see why so many people would choose to pay a little bit more for better service, I certainly would.
I had a great time yesterday talking to everyone about what they were going to grow in their own gardens and I also learned a little bit about gardening myself.

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