Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Read Along at the Library

On Monday, February 22nd I went to the Nevins Memorial Library in Methuen, MA to read to the children stories about going to the dentist and taking care of their teeth. The first story was about an alligator with a loose tooth. He went with his friends to see the dentist to make sure his teeth were ok, turns out his tooth was supposed to be loose because an adult tooth was taking its place. The second story was about a little boy who was afraid to see the dentist because his friend had scared him by showing him all of his fillings. The boy had brought along his play dinosaurs and after the dentist checked the dinosaurs teeth first he wasn't scared to have his checked. Once we were done reading we did an art project with decoupage. We took recycled plastic water bottled that were cut down and made toothbrush holders. The children took glue and placed all different colored tissue paper on the outside to decorate them, it was a fun time had by all!

New Hampshire Bridal Magazine Fashion Show Take 2

On February 13th the day before Valentine's Day I joined my pageant sisters at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Nashua, NH for another fun filled day of wedding fashion. We had such a good time, I could really get used to being a bride every weekend. Who doesn't love dressing up in a wedding gown and fancy bride's Maid dresses. We had four different outfits to change into all of them gorgeous. Everyone looked amazing. Our hair and makeup was also done prior to us modeling. Halfway through the show my director Irene Alton, and Jane Marshall Mrs. MA International spoke about how to look your best in photographs, then we did some line dances with the DJ they had there. I would definitely do this again.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Lesson on Oral Health with Methuen, MA Daisy Troop

On February 7th I spoke with the Daisy Troop of Methuen, MA at the Nevin Memorial Library about how they can take care of their teeth. We discussed many topics including why our teeth are important (we need them for chewing, talking, smiling, and to save the space for our adult teeth). We also reviewed healthy snack vs unhealthy snacks and when and how we should brush our teeth. I then read a story about Lemony Lion, who couldn't be king of the jungle anymore because he lost all his teeth. The session ended with a question and answer time. I was delighted to have the girls show me their loose teeth, and tell me all about how they brush. They also had lots of questions about being Mrs. Massachusetts and how to become a dentist. I had a wonderful time and look forward to more events like this.

Friday, February 4, 2011

February is Children's Dental Health Month

This is the perfect month for me to inform everyone about the importance of their oral health to their overall health. February is Children's Dental Health month but its a great time for all of us to make sure that we are on track with our oral health care. I will be making several appearance this month to discuss the importance of oral health to our school aged children.

Did you know that the number one childhood disease is tooth caries (AKA cavities)? Did you also know that it is preventable? Yes that's right a cavity is not a right of passage, it is something that never has to happen if proper preventable treatment is implemented. A good start is making sure that a child's first visit to a dentist should happen when they are 1years old. The old philosophy used to be that we should wait until they are 3 but studies have shown that this may be too late. Some children's teeth have already started to decay by the time the child is 3. So moms and dads out there get your children to the dentist early, but its never too late.

Another important fact to remember is that sugar that is in contact with the bacteria in our mouths for a long period of time will lead to decay. If you are going to have a food or beverage that is high in sugar it is best to eat or drink it over a very short period of time, rather then savor it throughout the day. Have the juice, or soda, or cake at one sitting. The longer the sugar is in contact with our teeth the odds of creating a carious leison increases exponentially.

One of my favorite preventative measures that I like to suggest is to chew gum. Not just any gum though it must contain the ingredient Xylitol, and to be truly affective Xylitol should be the first ingredient. Studies have shown that Xylitol kills the bacteria Strep Mutan which is linked to tooth decay. Chewing gum also increases salivary flow another way the body naturally cleans the teeth.

Your dentist should be able to recommend several preventive measures that you can do to prevent cavities for yourself and your children. Be sure to visit him or her every six months. Happy brushing and flossing everyone.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Mrs New Hampshire America Pageant 2011

On January 30th, 2011 I watched the beautiful Kassie Dubois be crowned as the next Mrs. New Hampshire America. All the contestants worked hard and were all equally beautiful. I'm sure the judges had a difficult time choosing this years winner. What an accomplishment for Kassie to come out on top. Kassie will compete for the title of Mrs. America on Mother's Day in White Sulphur Spring, WV at the Greenbrier.
This also served as a great time for me to meet up with all of my pageant sisters from the past year. Also in attendance was the beautiful Jane Marshall Mrs. Massachusetts International 2010, my wonderful director Mrs. New Hampshire United States 2009 Irene Alton, and the fabulous Jamie Borque Mrs Massachusetts America 2010. It was so much fun to watch this event with all of my new friends that I have made over this past year.
We were also treated to the singing entertainment of the reigning Miss New Hampshire USA 2011 Miss Lacey Jane Folger. She opened the ceremony with the Star Spangled Banner, and later sang I love Rock and Roll. She was a delightful young lady and it was a pleasure meeting her. I wish her all the luck at nationals in Las Vegas.