Sunday, July 7, 2013

A lighter touring day in Florence

     Today was a relatively lazy day here in Florence.  We started out early, so we could get to the Academia and see Michelangelo's David before the tour groups arrived.  It was quite impressive standing at 17 feet.  The anatomical detail compares to nothing else we have seen so far.

     From the David we travelled through some streets to see the Medici home and Cathedral. Both were of course massive and beautiful.  I did take a couple of forbidden pictures in the home but the curators in the Cathedral were pretty nasty and I didn't want to get thrown out.

     We then carried on to the Piazza d' Michelangelo.  It was a very long walk followed by a hike up a massive hill.  The views however were breathtaking.  I then forced the boys to go shopping.  That was fun too.  I had my first ever glove fitting, which involved powder and a pillow.

     Tomorrow we leave by train for Rome.

The courtyard of the Medici Home 

Inside the Medici Home

The hill we climbed to Pilazzo d' Michelangelo

Panoramic view of Florence

David Replica

Uffizi and Galileo Museums

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