Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Day 2 in Rome

     Today was our prearranged Vatican tour.  According to our paper work we were to meet at the Vaticus Termini which we assumed was at the Vatican.  Our assumption was wrong and after much asking we jumped in a cab to our meeting point.  We of course missed the tour group but they promised to wait for us back at the Vatican.  We got back into another cab and 30 euros later met our tour.

     Inside we saw the Vatican museum, Michelangelo's Sistine Chapel, and St. Peter's Basilica.  Interestingly Pope John Paul the XXIII body is embalmed is the basilica which was interesting to see.   After our tour we walked to St. Angelo's Castle.  James then wanted to see more churches.  So we took our half broken legs and walked once again to St. Ignacio's church.  At this point only my husband could walk.  So we bought metro passed and rode the Metro back to the hotel.

Vatican museum 

St. Peter's basilica

Vatican City outside St Peters Basilica

Castle of St Angelo

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