Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Day 1 of our Italian Vacation

So the plane ride to Amsterdam was pretty uneventful other then James and I freaking a woman out when we started talking about taking our eyes out.  We were actually discussing our contacts, but we call them our eyes.  I just had visions of us sitting there on the plane with vacant sockets where our eyes should be.  We only had an hour to make our connection to Venice.  Needless to say I had to dash into a sprint through the Airport and tell them we were there they were literally closing the gate as we had arrived. 

Venice is beautiful.  We toured around St. Mark's square this afternoon and had some pizza.  Prosciuto and Funghi (that's ham and mushrooms for those not well versed in the Italian language).  My husband likes to be the tour guide, unfortunately his sense of direction is bad and we wondered around quite a bit.  I did force a break for some gelato though. I saw some great shops I'm planning on going back to for shopping.

Now we are back in the hotel relaxing before dinner.

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