Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Our Second Day in Venice

     The four of us had a wonderful morning/afternoon touring the city.  After breakfast we went to St. Mark's Basillica.  The detail inside was amazing.  Pictures were not allowed to be taken however which  was upsetting because I would have loved for everyone to see how ornate and beautiful it really was.  Several relics are housed within the Basillica.  We actually saw the bones of many different Saints.  From there we went to the Correr Museum and the Doge's Palace.  It was amazing to see how they lived back then.  There were paintings on every wall and ceiling of just about every room.  The boys favorite part of the palace was the prison area. 

     After lunch Mother and I headed out to do some shopping while the boys went on a walking tour of the canal.  We had a great time, but I had to stop myself or there wouldn't have been any room left in my suitcase and we have 4 more cities to see.  Christmas shopping for me has apparently started.  I can't wait to give these gifts, I think they're going to be a hit.

     We're all just resting in our rooms now before dinner.

Out shopping
An alcove outside the Basillica

The Doge's Palace courtyard

Detailed view of the Palace from the Courtyard

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