Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pompeii and Naples

     Yesterday we took an eleven hour tour from Rome to Naples then to Pompeii.  We were picked up at our hotel at 6:45 the tour bus left at 7:15 and we didn't get back until after 8:30, but it was worth the trip.

     Naples is a port city where we saw some great views of the ocean and Mt.Vesuvius which erupted destroying the city of Pompeii.  We arrived at Naples around 11:00 and there was a ton if traffic and our guide told us it was rush our.  Most of us would have already put in 2-3 hours of work, which I thought was kind of funny.

     After touring Naples we drove to Pompeii and had lunch.  We then toured the ruins of Pompeii.  It was amazing to see how much of the city remained.  We also saw many casting of the people who couldn't get away before the city was covered. The eruption of Mt. Vesuvius actually changed the coastline.

The port of Naples with Mt. Vesuvius in the background

The boys in the city of Pompeii

James and I in Pompeii with Mt. Vesuvius in the background

A poor Pompeian who couldn't escape the eruption 

Sacrificial alter

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