Sunday, July 19, 2015

Budapest, Hungary

We have now moved off the River Beatrice and into the Grand Corinthian Hotel.  This morning's activites involved a tour of Parliment then this afternoon we walked to the Opera House and took a tour inside.  We are now relaxing in the spa.
This is of course the spa.
Here is parliment where all Hungarian laws and government buisness takes place.  The dome is the same height as St. Stephan's Cathedral.
This man lead the 1956 revolution in Hungary against communism, but of course lost the battle and his life.
These bronze shoes along the Danube serve as a memorial to the men and women who were shot along the rivers edge by the Nazis during WWII.  Before they were killed they had to take off their shoes. I guess the shoes were more valuable then their lives.  It was a very sad reminder.
This is inside Parliment.  Stored inside is also the crown of the first KIng of Hungary St. Stephan. They would not allow you to take any pictures of the crown and it was guarded by two armed men, so to avoid being imprisoned in Hungary I chose to obey the rules. You'll just have to come to Budapest yourself if you want to see the crown.
Here is where Parliment holds its sessions.  
The boys relaxing before our tour continues.  There is always so much walking involved with these tours.  
Here is the US embassy. 
Here is Ronald Regan outside of the Embassy.
Here is the beautiful Opera House of Hungary.
I did volunteer myself for National Hungarian Ballet but unfortunatly they had no opening at the time.
This was the subway sign in the oldest subway system in the world. 
Tomorrow we are going to head to St. Stephan's Cathedral and then the Artist Market for some shopping. 

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