Tuesday, July 14, 2015

River Cruise Day 3, Salzburg and Linz

Today was a very long but enjoyable day.  We started out very early from Linz to take a two hour bus tour to Salzburg where The Sound of Music was filmed and the birthplace and home of Mozart.  
It was a lovely drive through the countryside of Austria and we stopped at a lake for a quick photo before heading on to Salzburg.

Once we arrived at Salzburg our group had a special concert given by Elizabeth VonTrapp the daughter of Kurt Vontrapp.  She had an amazing voice.

From here our guide brought us all along the city showing us all the sites and filling our minds withso much history about Salzburg I felt like I was back in Mr. Stankus's history class at Presentation of Mary.  It was a little overwhelming unless you really love history but good to know.
This is Mozart's home
This is Mozart's birthplace.  As a side note they have a specialized candy here called Mozart's balls. We all had one and I have to say Mozart's balls are pretty tasty.

We stopped for a photo by the famous fountain in Salzburg's square where Maria splashed the water from the horses mouth in The Sound of Music

We did a little shopping and took a picture of this famous McDonald's sign.  As you can see it doesn't resemble the typical sign or colors and that is because each sign in this square must be approved by the city. And it must have a certain look to it.
We also snapped a picture of the oldest cafe in the world
We headed over to the Do Re Mi Garden and grabbed some great photos
Here are the trees they sang in and out of
Once an ballerina always a ballerina. Of course I found and replicated this statue
There were a ton of artist set up outside painting this very picturesque scene of the city.
All in all we had a great day.
Once back in Linz James, James Jr. and myself headed out to Linz to see a few things while mother rested back in the room.
James is enjoying an Austrian donut.
An incredible gothic cathedral is situated here in Linz and can hold 18,000 people. Lots of Catholics here in Austria.
After dinner we listened to an all girl cover band who sung songs from the 40's mostly by the Andrew Sisters.
Mother's drink of choice tonight was Drambuie neat. I guess she's planning on getting a good nights sleep before we arrive in Melk!

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