Friday, July 17, 2015

River Cruise Day 6, Vienna and Bartislava

Goodbye Vienna hello Bartislava.  This morning James and I took a tour of the Schonburnn palace in Vienna while James Jr. and Mother stayed behind to rest up for our next city which is Bartislava, Slovakia.  The palace was quite enjoyable with a beautiful garden and fountain behind it.  Schon means beautiful and Burnn means fountain so that is how it got its name.  It was constructed by the Hapsburg family particulary Maria Theresa.  An interesting fact that I learned along the way Marie Antoinette was the youngest daughter of Maria Theresa.  When James and I returned to the ship we ate lunch and then got on a bus to Bartislava.  Bartislava was once a communist country and there still remains a lot of the communist building (very plain and ugly as our guide described them)  Interestingly Bartislava was never invaded by the Turks.  They only person who ever attempted to attack Bartislava was Napoleon.  There are still cannon balls stuck into the facades of the building from his attack on the city.  We took and lovely walking tour of the old town and did a little shopping.
Our final stop tommorrow will be Hungary!
Here I am outside Shornnburn palace.
Neptunes fountain.
Here is James on the back side of the fountain
We found some Roman ruins on the garden grounds
This is the second narrowest house in the world the first narrowest is in Amsterdam.
This gold emblem in the middle of the street tells you how many kilometers it is to all major cities in the
This was the executioners house in Bartislava.
This was a very funny bronze statue in the city street the sign next to him says Man at Work and he's coming out of a man hole.  They say if you touch his head you will never be without money, and if you touch his nose you will have a child. FYI we touched his head.
Here's mother sitting on a bench outside one of the shops we went into to buy souvenirs.

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