Thursday, July 16, 2015

River Cruise Day 5, Vienna

So here we are in the amazing city of Vienna.  The building structures here are massive. Today we took a tour of Prince Eugene's Winter Palace and a gothic style Cathedral.  Afterwards we toured the city on our own.  We enjoyed a lovely dinner then the boys and I headed out to see one of the worlds oldest and largest Ferris Wheels.  We took a ride around it and saw the city skyline from up above.  It was definitely worth the 20 minute walk from the ship to see this up close.  

This is in front of the Imperial Palace
This is St. Michael's wing that was added to the Imperial Palace. Each new Monarch would add a new wing to the palace for themselves.
Here's James Jr. inside the gold room of the Winter Palace
The steeple of St Stephan's Cathedral.
Neptune's fountain
I had to sneak this picture of the Spanish Riding schools stable.  They happened to have left the door open so I couldn't give up an opportunity to grab a photo.  All the horses are on vacation right now the Summer months are too hot for them to train and do shows.
In front of the Museum of Natural History
Here is Vienna's Parliment building made in the likeness of Ancient Greece
St Francis of Assis Cathedral
The view from the top.

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